Paul Lotz

Checkmate Suite

Paul Lotz

Paul Lotz

The artist’s work has always been inspired by the classical styles of the old masters. His fascination with the Renaissance and culture from that era merge with his love of dreams and fantasy. It can be said that Lotz sculpts his masterpieces from the inside-out. For Lotz, inner emotions motivate his sculptures’ external appearances. They seem to capture hidden feelings and lay them out for all to see. He affirms, “I want to capture these hidden feelings and express people in their most private state, both mentally and physically. My hope is to create something that people will relate to but never want to admit feeling themselves.” These honest expressions of emotion spark immediate response from the viewer. “Ultimately,” Lotz explains, “No matter what the subject, the piece must exude emotion. I love dichotomies, plays against reality vs. fantasy, good vs. evil, sex vs. purity. I want people to feel what the subject is feeling and see the story that’s being told. It doesn’t necessarily have to be my story, but they have to be inspired to make their own.”

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